Toko Andrews, Kaner Olette Architects
Toko Andrews
Kaner Olette Architects

Toko is a multifaceted individual making significant contributions to the field of architecture, education, and advocacy for sustainable design. As an associate at Kaner Olette Architects, He plays a pivotal role in numerous projects spanning private residential dwellings to public buildings. Noteworthy among these is the recent creation of a restaurant, cafe, and farm shop for the well-known Knepp Estate.

In addition to his professional practice, Toko lectures at the University for the Creative Arts, where he teaches the architectural technology unit to undergraduate students, fostering a new generation of architects to tackle contemporary challenges within architecture. Furthermore, Toko lends his guidance to aspiring architects through involvement in RIBA Part 3 teaching and his previous roles as a mentor for both the RIBA and the London Festival of Architecture.

Toko contributes regularly to the Architects Journal. Covering a diverse array of topics ranging from issues of racism and diversity to architectural maintenance and specialisation, provoking meaningful dialogue and positive change.