Why enter? 

  • Be part of the elite AJ100 cohort of practices (ranked by the number of architects the UK ).
  • Raise the profile of your practice, boosting staff morale and aiding recruitment processes.
  • Benchmark your practice against other leading lights in British architecture by participating in a detailed survey assessing a huge range of financial and ESG metrics.
  • Participate in the prestigious AJ100 awards programme.
  • Benefit from extensive coverage of the AJ100 awards and survey in print, online coverage, and social media, both before and after the event.
  • Attend exclusive AJ100 Club networking lunches.

2024 Categories

NEW - AJ100 Champions 

This new award celebrates those who are driving positive change, either through their own projects and ways of working, or within the wider profession and beyond.

A cohort of AJ100 Champion practices will be chosen from across the AJ100 ranking by The Architects’ Journal team. All practices are automatically entered for consideration through completion of the AJ100 survey.

Practices must have demonstrated one or more of the below in 2023: 

  • Commitment to driving greater design quality and sustainability
  • Contribution to positive reform of the profession
  • Contribution to reforms of the wider building industry
  • An innovation that has transformed how the practice works, or the success of a particular project  
  • Participation in research that will have a positive impact on working practices
  • An exceptional collaboration that has driven the success of a project or initiative
  • Commitment to exemplary employment conditions for staff
  • Commitment to a high standard of social and environment performance
  • Outstanding strategic thinking
  • Any other examples of how the practice is delivering positive change

A panel of industry judges will choose the AJ100 Practice of the Year from this cohort.


NEW - AJ100 Change-maker of the Year

This award will be given to an individual who has either helped change the culture of the practice in 2023 - for example by leading a merger, taking the practice into new markets or developing an EDI policy - or who is leading change in the wider profession or beyond.

This award category will be decided by a presentation to a panel of industry judges.


AJ100 Client of the Year

AJ100 practices are invited to nominate the best client they have worked with in 2023 and explain why they have been so good to collaborate with. This category is judged by The Architects’ Journal team.


NEW - AJ100 Communication Initiative of the Year

This new award will be given to a practice for an exemplary piece of external or internal communication in 2023. This may be through the use of video, photography, podcast, writing, social media, website or any other form of communication to achieve a specific purpose. Entrants will be asked to explain how the communication delivered its objectives, and what impact it has had.

This award category will be decided by a presentation to a panel of industry judges.


AJ100 Community Impact of the Year

This is awarded to a project that demonstrates both a deep engagement with the local community and an exceptional outcome for all stakeholders. The project must have been delivered in 2023. Judges will be looking for evidence of how your practice has added community value by maximising the positive impact of the project.

This award category will be decided by a panel of industry judges who will visit shortlisted entries.


AJ100 Contribution to the Profession 

Voted by AJ100 practices, this award is given to an individual for their outstanding importance to the industry. Previous winners include Peter Barber, Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara, and Pooja Agrawal.


AJ100 Employer of the Year 

This award recognises the best practice for employees, judged on HR issues including staff satisfaction, workplace culture, benefits and staff turnover in 2023.

This award category will be decided by a panel of industry judges who will visit shortlisted entrants.


NEW - AJ100 Mentor of the Year 

This new award will be given to an individual within an AJ100 practice for their commitment to mentoring in 2023, either within their practice, within the wider profession, or in schools or universities.

This award category will be decided by a presentation to a panel of industry judges.


AJ100 New Member of the Year

This award is given to a practice making their debut in the AJ100 rankings or returning for the first time in five years.

The newcomer award is judged by The Architects’ Journal team, taking into account both business success and quality of work.


NEW - AJ100 New Talent 

This new award celebrates new talent in AJ100 practices. There are three categories:

  • Part 1 architectural assistant
  • Part 2 architectural assistant
  • New architect (qualified for no more than two years by 31 December 2023)

Nominees should be individuals who have made an exceptional contribution to the success of a particular project; to the culture of the practice in general; or to the wider profession. Practices can submit one nomination per category.

Shortlisted entrants will be interviewed by a panel of industry judges.


AJ100 Practice of the Year

A panel of industry judges will choose the AJ100 Practice of the Year from the new cohort of AJ100 Champions. This group of practices have been selected for their contribution to driving positive change, either through their own projects and ways of working, or within the wider profession and beyond.


AJ100 Sustainability Initiative of the Year 

This category rewards an initiative that demonstrates an exemplary/innovative approach to sustainability. These must have been delivered in the calendar year of 2023.

For example, the entry could be a specific project that demonstrates an exemplary aspect of sustainability, or a piece of research or pro bono work that showcases sustainability or furthers sustainable practice. It could also be a significant change in the way the practice is run that promotes sustainability.

This award will be decided by a presentation to a panel of industry judges.


AJ100 Sustainability Leader of the Year 

This award is given to an individual for an outstanding contribution to the sustainable design agenda in the calendar year of 2023. This may be for leadership on a particular initiative, or for leading on sustainability within their practice or within the wider built environment.

This category will be decided by a presentation to a panel of industry judges.